The Classy Canine | Dog Grooming
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Dog Grooming


We offer full service grooming options to pamper your pooch.

Bath & Blow Dry

A pampering experience that includes a bathing experience with natural shampoos and premium conditioners gently massaged throughout your dog’s coat. This also includes an ear cleaning, pedicure, the hair removed from the pads of the feet, hair trimmed around the feet, hair removed from the private areas, and a face trimming. Your dog is hand dried with moisturizers and texturizers to guide your breed’s specific coat type to its optimum condition.


Haircuts include the full bath service, blow dry, and hand scissoring, clipping, and carding your dog’s hair specific to your dog or breed. A one-on-one session with a skilled stylist is included.

Brushing, De-Shedding, De-Matting

With skill and kindness products are applied to your dog’s coat to reduce static electricity which aids dematting and shedding and reduces the risk of damage to the coat.